Monday, April 07, 2008

Blogging does not challenge the authority of mainstream media

I know..ironic right ? I'm meant to be writing my speech for the debate topic above..but I just keep procrastinating...I know I wont get to eat later on at lunch time so I'm gonna eat my lunch now..or at least as soon as it's done baking. I'm so tired...I just cant focus. I'm screwed...

SILENCE!! I KILL YOU!!! haha...I've been watching Jeff Dunham as you can prolly tell. He's so funny with Achmed the terrorist..haha...anyhooz, my bro's gone a blogging hiatus and I've been on again off again coz of my new relationship. I havent given rif the password or even this blog's coz I learnt from my past relationships that I just have to keep somethings to myself. I just need to have the feeling that I have something that's totally mine and mine alone. I know it seems self centred..but hey, thats me right ?

Less than a month to go before I hit the lah...before I reach 21...I wonder what it's like on the other side. Once I cross that line, do I have to act more responsible? Must I change who I've grown to be ? Must I be different ? The thing is, I dont know. I'm just stuck. I love who I am. I love who I'm with. Everything just seems to fall into place for now. Anyhooz...I just felt like doing a bit of a rant coz I havent really done so in a whille. So yea, gotta quit nodding off and get this bloody speech done. Laterz

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