Sunday, March 23, 2008

no longer single

Happy hyper tree hugger is now dating a hair flipping head banger!! haha...sounds so odd..yea we were made official last night...I think acceptance is coming around.

Happy Easter everyone! Sad thing about Easter is that NOTHING is open today...except China Town and Crown. What're we gonna do ? I know we're going starbucks for sure...I'm like a Bonafide Green Tea Frappucino addict...among others. I really really feel like going shopping today dammit.

I'm supposed to be getting ready to meet Rif downstairs in I'm not even slack!! munky...I really hope ST is out at work. I stole her shoes last night and I realised that we took heaps of pictures last night and like yea...photographic evidence. The story is...they're rach's..haha...stupid...I need to go shopping.

The National Day event went really well yesterday. It still feels really funny wearing a Baju Kurung and walking down Swanston Street. Haha..keep getting the funny looks! But yea, my baju yesterday was quite pretty I thought, so it was alright. I met Pg Ayub already and he was pretty nice and accomodating. Apparently all I need to do is send him an email regarding the biennial ticket and everything that follows will come into place. Either that or I can get my ticket first and later they'll reimburse me. Both sound alright to me.

People were already assuming that Rif and I were together at the event yesterday. It was weird coz I didnt event realise till he told me how people were treating him differently. Kim just kept poking him (??) and the girls were giving him the cheeky grin in the "is-something-going-on" sorta yea...

Speaking of a different kim...MY COUSIN LIVES A FLOOR ABOVE ME IN THE SAME APARTMENT BUILDING!!! Haha...who would've thought. I was waiting for the lift yesterday...and when it opened..she was there..she was like..."am I in the right building?" that was a classic moment..haha..

Anyhooz..gotta get ready...Starbucks!!! Yummeh!!!!

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