Monday, March 31, 2008

Green Tea Frapp-oholic

I love starbucks...I've said that before right ? Well, I REALLY DO LOVE STARBUCKS!!! haha...I made a tuna pasta bake just I didnt really make it...I just tossed stuff together and chucked it in the oven...does that count? It turned out quite good...Rif, Syl and I managed to get 3/4 of it down. I suppose the rest would just be for some random meal tomorrow.

I'm now at Rach's place...she got back from class late and needed someone to accompany her for dinner so I went anyways...she lives for Nandos just like how I live for yea...if anyone needs ideas on what to get me for my birthday....hint hint...STARBUCKS GIFT CARD...just put money in the card first...I'd be really happy!!

I really should be doing my readings for tomorrow...I'm staying over at rach's coz I just cant be bothered to go home. And it's really COLD yea..really cant be stuffed to go...ok...gonna do readings now...MUST READ...POPULAR CULTURE.......or play Nintendo DS...NOOO!!! POP CULTURE!!! Yup, the endless conflicts that go on in my head look really weird on paper....

Oh yea...I decided not to go to Sale. Rather spend that amount of money at IKEA buying new stuff for my bedroom...lalala...ok...gonna go now...

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