Monday, October 30, 2006

time and tide waits for no...doh..

Frustrating...hate moving..

We've officially moved out of Jalan Muara and into Subok...It's quite a bit of change...not sure if I like it here just yet...wanna know why?

-Every odd day it smells like crap around here...thanx to the tip at the end of the road.
-I just hate packing and unpacking stuff...makes me lose things I normally have around (but also helps me find stuff that I forgot about yonks ago)
-Subok is soooo far from evverrrything..except town of coz...
-its hard to find good neighbours...
-no internet, no phones, no astro...
-at the moment the house kind of acts like a giant boom box...when i play the piano, the whole neighbourhood can hear...the sounds get amplified, if you will...
-I cant think of anything else, but I know, for now, I'm not liking this shit one bit...

It's kinda hard to get things done when you have a fly nagging you every waking hour you're at home. I dont like going to the office and I dont like staying at I suppose, going to the office is pretty much the lesser of two evils...

Speaking of the office...

We've almost finished what we were set out to do in the safe...soon it'll be time to pack (again!!!) coz the the dept is moving pretty soon...glad I wont be there to move with them...I sent in my resignation letter last friday so since it was a two week notice thing, it looks like my last day is gonna be the 10th of Nov...weeeeeee!!!~~~ really REALLY cant wait...underpaid, underappreciated...

Back to the in the morning, when I wake up, naturally my hair would look pretty stand-on-end-ish...she comes up to me saying, you look horrible...Yes, I wish I could wake up all showered, dressed and made up...but unfortunately, this is the resl world...that sorta thing aint automatic...and what's with all the yelling so early in the morning...

Anyhooz...I gotta go and pick up the till I manage to steal bandwidth again..ciaoz

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