Wednesday, October 25, 2006


"...selamat....hari raya....kepada saudara serta saudari....setahun...hanya sekali ( tapi kenapa tahun ini disambut dua kali)...?"

Lol...whatever lah...

Selamat Hari Raya people...maaf zahir dan batin....even though that doesnt quite go with with my beliefs...but hey...same thing as forgiving and forgetting right ?

This is the first time in my whole entire life (as if so long right?) that I managed to not get forced to go visiting on the first day of Raya...I mean, no doubt tomorrow I'd have no excuse but to go to at least one house...I think I'll miss it...all the green packets and that sorta I might as well make an effort to go..

I spent most of the morning just bumming and pretending to pack...haha..I know I'm weird...we went to the house in the afternoon...I really thought we were gonna be moving stuff wrong was I?!! The whole time we were there, dad and aaron were just painting the Pig's room for her...the walls were painted her skin the way a pig's skin is...haha....I mean, so much for 'her lil project' right? She couldnt get the walls painted fast enough, people had to help her do it...come to think of it, dad and aaron were no longer helping her...they were actually doing it all for her...she was just sitting there telling people what to do....Aaron's theory: The bigger the boobs, the bossier the person...

It was funny coz he was walking around the house as if he had bigger boobs than I have...haha...kept 'accidentally' bumping into things and people with his make believe breasts...that boy...LoL!!

We were walking around the neighbourhood and it kinda just occured to me that I have a friend who lives in the junction juxtaposed cool!! The only thing is that I've only really met and talked to him once...oh well...that can always change...once I find his phone number...

It was a weird afternoon coz as I was on my way to pick up aaron from tuition this afternoon, I turned on the radio to hear DJ Mike (aka Mike koko) doing his rendition of Livin Da Vida was was just me in the car and I couldnt stop laughing...U go dude!! It was so bad it was just funny...haha...That dude really has balls to be different...*sigh* myyy heero....

Looks like we're gonna be out of this place and into the 'new' house by this Thursday...dont know if I'm excited or not...I'm feeling kinda random today....take this for randomness...I was brushing my teeth just now and all of a sudden I was dentist that day (saturday) was really cute...haha...well, truth be told, he IS cute...but it's sooo not me to go staring into his almond shaped eyes behind his funky framed specs...I just looked away....shy bah...haha...but then it occurred to me that day that in order for him to be a full fledged dentist, he had to be what...25..26 years old? haha...when I hit that point, I realised I had gone a biiit too far...LoL...and the really funny thing about this whole ordeal is that I had to wait 15 minutes to see a dentist, and when I was in (finally!!) I was only there for what...3 minutes? talk about a time imbalance...haha..

I was analysing my fone while waiting for 'the father' and 'the brother' to finish the paint job....meanwhile, I was listening to their convo's while I was sitting on the floor (coz furniture hasnt been moved in yet), directly under the fan ( coz it was HOT!!)...I heard the pig say something funny...she was quoting a malay proverb...but somehow she managed to get it sooo was hilarious...if I'm not mistaken the proverb goes something like "seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus" or something like that...I know its not that exactly coz I kinda gave my malay back to the teachers...but anyways, u guys get the picture...the direct translation would be "like a crab trying to teach it's kid to walk straight...but all of a sudden , I heard her teaching my maid "like a hippopotamus trying to teach it's child to walk straight"....


we all were in total hysterics after that was ridiculous...that girl is so dopey...

oh but what I was thinking bout my fone while I mentioned it just now was that I need a new typical of me...but I think I'm only gonna replace my v3i just before I leave...I love the w850i...its so pweety...haha...


anyways...I think I shud get to sleep...gonna have to wash cars tomorrow morning...whether I like it or'll definitely be the latter...but not like daddy yea...nite nite all...

one more was still packing stuff up when we got about hardworking...he found a colouring page I did for him when I was young...I even took the initiative to write..."To Daddy" was a colouring picture of a big bunny leading a baby bunny...I was sweet...haaha...orite...nitez

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