Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Just when I was getting so used to working on the 4th floor, they move me...*sniff sniff*...

Oh well, I dunno exactly why I was moved...was it coz I was too noisy (dont think so...I was surprisingly and unusually quiet), was it coz I finished my work too quickly? nah..I think it really was coz I didnt have my own workstation...but I really love data entry...well, relative to filing in a dusty safe where there are only 3 ppl in total...and moving file cabinets...and no airconditioning..LOL...

At least I got my wish.....I met more people...=) haha...but still puasa-ing with the rest...well, all that ends tomorro...I'm finally stepping out at lunch like all normal people takes all but one guy to make me do so. I think I'm really starting to love thursdays...thats where all the action's at...LoL...first of all, there's the ping pong 'club' thing thats on at night...lets just start there...and in a coupla weeks, there's the speakers club that I've been invited to sit in...haha..cant wait...

I'm really bored....I think I'm allergic to the dust in the safe....coz when I got there, I couldnt stop sneezing and scratching...I dunno...I'm not complaining...I mean...there's a lot to be learned about.....filing...LoL...

I hope I get moved again...broaden my spectrum of experience...or whatever...whatever it is...lets hope its soon and not to another safe in the building...LOLx...I nose is still stuffed up and I've left HSBC for about close to 4 hours already...

There might be something in the dust...coz like, I cant play the piano properly...and I've been so high...haha...I mean...I know I'm not 'normal' as far as normal goes but hey...even laughing and singing in a shouting manner in my own room crosses my boundary of normality...LoL...haha I think I'm learning well from my koko...haha...

I really suck at hacking..but hey...I guess I'll just have to try and try again...if I cant..I'll just play legit...Laterz...

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