Friday, October 20, 2006

in a crappy mood...

Crappy mood..

not really in the mood to do anything in particular...except vegetate of coz...I spent my whole morning at the MOE and also at RIPAS doing part of my medical check thing..but so far, all I've done is my ECG, my X ray, and my bloodtest...the rest, I have to do on saturday at various other places...

Had lunch with Fi and San...then went home and 'kinda' crashed...I mean, I was kinda dizzy coz of the recent loss of blood...3 test tubes full to be's amazing that that amount of blood lost can leave me frazzled...anyhooz...maybe it's coz i've never had blood drawn before. who knows?

Another reason why I'm in a crappy mood? My gold chain has decided to go on that, I mean that it's disappeared...I dunno who's to blame. Me or Aaron...but what I do know is that I'm most prolly not gonna see it anymore...I mean, all the pendants are there, its just the chain thats missing...hate this feeling

Goodbye and Goodluck Zim and Zirah

Yup those two have finally left for the UK...good luck you guys...really happy for you two...I know you're really gonna miss me...LoLz...


Didnt have the HSBC ping pong thing just now, dunno why coach cancelled...but I suppose it was for the best..I cant quite play arm hurts...the place where I had blood drawn is now really really bruised and feels kinda I ended up watching Open Season with was funny...

"'s horrible and wonderful at the same's like....Freedom in a Cup"

LoL...that Elliott is hilarious...I'd give it a B-....I really actually wanted to watch Rob-B-hood...but that show wasnt showing at I couldnt...well, i could, but I didnt want to...wanted to get home early coz I felt really fatigued...

When we came out of the cinema, I saw some people that struck weird feelings in me...the sort of feelings I've been having recently...regarding relationships and whether or not I should be in one...I dont understand myself...*sigh*...

I think I should go to bed....or watch Russell Peters on you tube...whichever comes first...Laterz...

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