Thursday, October 19, 2006

GA's so good..

I love Grey's Anatomy

I just finished watching's sooo good!! I mean, it teaches you a lot about's so make's inevitable and it hurts...but it has to happen in order for you to learn something...Man...Izzy got 8 million bucks for loving a guy...I dunno...for some reason..I found this particular episode sad. I dunno..

It makes me think about my own life. I mean...sure, it's not as dramatic as in GA but hey, a lil drama wouldnt kill me right ? I want drama...I actually dont really know what I want. I know I've been saying that I dont want to get into a relationship coz I'm just gonna leave in feb....but feb is still quite a while away...and it really sucks coz almost all the people I hang out with either already have significant others or are somewhat in the process. I always end up being the lightbulb...not a very nice feeling...=( I just really dont know what I want...

Ping pong playing munkies

Spent most of this evening at Sid's place playing ping was quite a lot of fun. I mean, I ended up playing with many different people...out of which, two of the guys were ex national team players...There's this guy, one in particular, that I think is really REALLY good at ping pong...considering he hasnt touched a bat in 10 years...I'd be totally was really good fun..but the thing is, I cant really remember their names...I mean, I dont think I really know their proper names to begin with...oh well, at least I'll recognise them when I see 'em...thats all that matters...

Tonight was a lot of fun...I mean, really laid pong, magic tricks, funny stories...that's how daily life should be...

I really dont know where my social life is heading...I feel like I want to be in a relationship...but I'm just not sure....oh well, I'm a very complicated person...I know...

I think I gotta get some sleep...gotta do my medical checks tomorrow...nitez ppl

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