Monday, October 16, 2006

good things come to those who wait..

Good things come to those who wait

There is sooo much truth to that saying..judging by how long I've been waiting, I'd say it's all been paid off! I finally got the scholarship from the MOE to go to Australia to study...soo super happy! so look out Melbourne, here I come...! Congratulations Hazim, Zirah, Liz, Arif and all the rest that got it it for undertaking a first degree, Masters or even a all deserve it!!

So glad coz it's the first time my dad was genuinely happy (well, first time in a long time at least)...he actually called me a clever girl (which is SOOOO out of the blue...he's never done that before...I used to be ranked Mediocre) Thank God things turned out well for everyone I know..

But it's kinda sad as well....I mean, a lot of these peepz are leaving really REALLY soon for UK...considering how late they already are....Zim is leaving on Thursday..not sure bout the rest though...I hope I get the chance to see them off! Gonna really miss them...4 years is a long time to not see your friends....

Anyways, went to play ping pong at Sid's place...nice competition...haha
Seriously sooo much all the action, the styles, the whole package...there's no way in hell u can get bored with a rowdy bunch like sid, gaby and the gang..haha...

Anyhooz..I think I'm just gonna go tired oredy...nite y'all!! =D

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