Tuesday, September 26, 2006

a lil bit of change once in a while..

I changed my hairstyle again...

and I absolutely LOVE IT...the length is still the same, just shorter at the top so I can spike it and not so messy. I just love it soo sooooo much...haha...=)

Ok so it may not look like much of a difference, but there is a change nonetheless...not easy to capture on camera...come look for me if u wanna see...haha


Someone hates me

haha...lets just call her FEI PO....she hates my guts apparently...her nick goes something like, "In the next competition I'm gonna beat her...bla bla bla", the same old story. Jealousy has a really ugly head that is place on an even uglier body..sorry to say. I mean, no I do NOT cheat at table tennis. Why cheat when I can win you without any problems? It's just not worth the bother. You wonder why I act the way I do around you ? You know how everyone tends to have at least one person that rubs them totally the wrong way? You are that person for me. How do you like that...? Or maybe it's just you ? Coz I am definitely not known to cheat in competitions. I dont see it as being possible. So, if you're just grasping at straws to justify your loss, I'm sorry...try again.

And the reason why I keep looking at coach each time you hit an out ball is coz I keep worrying that he'd scold for such shabby training...so sue me if I'm concerned...you're just not worth the bother...stay where you're from. you're not welcome here...

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