Saturday, September 16, 2006

it's a great feeling...

Haha just came out of my 2nd interview for the scholarship to Australia. I must say, it's looking good. I dont wanna get too confident in case something I dont want to happen, happens (touch wood)...but it all went by rather quickly.

Started off slightly bumpy coz I was nervous. They asked me to read a passage and answer some questions. It was alright I guess, up to the point where they asked me what 'memanfaati keprihatinan' meant. I was trying soo hard to piece malay words together in my head but nothing would form. So I told them, sorry I know how to explain in english...just not so sure in malay. The dude told me to go ahead and answer that in english. When I did, he was like...ok, now try in malay...using simple words...LoL...Cheeky...!`~~~

But at least I got it in the end. Then at the end of the whole interview, they were flipping thru my file of certificates...and he was like...ooooh pictures...he was looking at my PSR certs and newspaper clippings...then he tried to crack a joke about tabletennis which I didnt quite get until waaay later..LoL...

Ok..I'm exhausted...will update more's HOUSE MD time!!!

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