Saturday, August 12, 2006

..the uneven-ness of life...

..the little odd things that happen...

A lot of things have happened today. I mean, it's weird. Considering I spent 3/4 of my waking hours at home staring at my laptop screen. Haha. I met up with my dear old friend...NIKKI!!Haha..I cant believe time has flown by so quickly!! I mean, the last time I saw her was when I was in form 4...and now, she's done with uni...I havent even weird.

Not to mention several marriages taking place quite soon. Be it due to pure unconditional love, or by 'accidents'...there will be weddings soon.

I just realised that another one of my dear friends has just come back from studying. I prefer to not name that person coz I managed to embarrass myself a great deal. This dude has been back for 3 months already and naturally, I didnt know. How wud I? He lives in a different district, didnt bother to call or message, it's not like I'm psychic...! Anyways, I managed to get his number thru a friend but I wasnt quite sure if it really was his number or not, so I gave him a coupla miss calls and he called back. Just not the way I wanted to rekindle an old friendship. He called back, half asleep. So yea...wasn't all that...oh bad I guess.

National Ping Pong tournament tomorro...

Am I ready ? I guess...well, how would I know ? I've only recently gone back for I can only hope for the best. Tomorro I'll be playing round robin singles and women's doubles. The venue was supposed to be based at the Pusat Belia, but now, I'm not so sure. i have yet to find out if the place has been changed. hmmm...oh well, just as long as I dont have to drive tomorro, I'll be fine.

I'm just so blur, so I think I shud just stop before I say something wrong...Laterz...

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