Thursday, August 17, 2006

she's getting hitched!!

What an unusually fun day!!

Spur of the moment plans rock!! Haha..I had so much fun today with Javian and was all just meant to be lunch then go training. Plans were changed early on so I got to stay longer at gdg. Instead of training, coaches and athletes were invited to go to the indoor stadium to watch some Japanese Sword Performances...or at least, stuff of the sort. I thought it'd be cook to watch but changed my mind as lunch progressed..

Had lunch at Fratini's, but only coz Excapade was full. was weird..we were all really hungry at we ordered way more than our stomachs could handle. Haha...two 18" Pizza Hawaiana's....highly original right ? We were already struggling at the end of our first pizza. Haha...Grand total of pizza's eaten ? Steph = 3slices, Aaron = 6slices and our winner, Javian = was pure gluttony. Needless to say, we all felt really sick after that. Haha


Even still...we decided to walk around..ran outta things to do, so we were thinking while we were here, why not just watch a movie. We watched booked tickets to watch 'Click' at 3.55pm...time check: 2.15...we had a lot of time to we walked around a bit...then our feet took us to coffeebean...Even after all that food we had, we still had space for Ice Blended Caramel Coffees...haha..we were there for quite a while. Actually, till it was time for the movie.

Funny thing though...the guy behind the counter was just plain bad service. He was being so fakely polite and slightly gay. (Personally, I think he has certain unresolved issues...but that's just I think) He wasn't quite sure about the pricings of the drinks, and he actually managed to condescendingly correct Javian when he ordered..."I'm sorry sir, but here, we call it an Ice Blended Caramel..." Well exxccuuuuuuuse me Princess!!!

Then when we were paying, I offered him my headstart discount card to get my much deserved price cut, and he was like analysing it as if it was a fake...then went..."Maam, I think your card was expired.." All it said was valid thru 12/08...and he went...oh yea...the 08 is the year...but he didnt hand it back...he tried looking closer as if he just didnt understand!! Idiot...I mean, I just got it...then while I was putting my money back in my lil black bag, he went, "Please move to the other counter to collect your drinks..." in a really really smug tone...gawd...

Wanna know who I'm talking about ?
Take a look

We had such a laugh at CB though. I dont know if it was the company or all that caffeine and sugar in my blood but we just couldnt stop laughing and taking pictures.

After a while CP, Charng Huei and some other guys walked in...we said hi then went on with our normal dealings...I swear, get 2 guys and a girl in a pizza place, followed by a coffee house, you'll be able to see how crazy they can get. LoL...we had a lot to talk about...ISB, life as we know it and the likes. We stumbled across the whole PCE topic and I was like..I wonder how Ms Wong is!!! And Javian's like...want her number ? She's getting married...

Can u imagine how shocked I was ? I mean, our dear beloved Ms Wong is actually getting hitched!!! What are the odds...haha...So I managed to give her a call...and coincidentally, she was heading towards the mall...haha...

Bumped into her and Wilson aka Cantona after watching our movie (btw, Click is Klik in malay...LoL)...we had a good long talk...Man, I really miss her and the fun we used to have in school. Although I constantly say that we've been scarred for life, it was totally a good experience...Ms Wong, you have done us all good...! Look at all of us now, we're all grown up and doing great...We luv ya lots...


After all that, we went to Ahan Thai just for the drinks...yes Jav, I know...the drinks are that huge to pull in customers...LoL...haha...


The drinks competition

Javian and I trying to annoy Aaron with our perfect teeth...LoL

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