Tuesday, August 15, 2006

...oh wat a day...

No more drama...for now...

It's as if my life is like a chapter from a highly dramatic story book. I dunno.. I suppose I should be glad that the drama has slowed down quite a bit compared to yesterday...haha...

Spent the whole day panning out my future. Basically been bouncing back and forth between the Ministry of Education, UBD and the education agent. I'm just glad that that's done. So now, all I gotta do is wait.

Congrats to Kimmy, Jasmine, Filah, Azrina, Bazilah, Tz Wei, Joseph and the many more that I have yet to congratulate. They had the signing of their contracts with the MOE yesterday. Hopefully I'll get my turn soon enuf. =)

Really tired today...i think I'm gonna crash early (well, earlier than usual). I didnt sleep much last night..the mind was too active thinking bout the future. I know. I cant help it!

The Brunei Trend

You know how it is nowadays, when people want something done, they pull their 'strings'..their connections. I had a really bad taste of that today. I mean, i decided to go it alone. Be more independent. Not dependent on daddy. But then, I just kept getting cutting across by students with their parents. So those people kept cutting queues while I was left there to wait longer and longer as they went ahead of me. So now I'm thinking, if I cant beat them, might as well join them. Got the resources, use them. Right? Otherwise I'd just get left far behind the crowd. And we all know that that just cannot be. LoL...

Anyhooz..I just HAD to voice that opinion. Gonna head to bed now...nitez

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