Sunday, August 06, 2006


It's just not really mine..

Obviously it's my camera, but most of the pics in it at the moment are of this dude. Haha. Now no one can say that the vainest community consist of the female species coz it's just not true. LoL..


This is just aaron aaron and more aaron. Yes there were some of me but not alot. =)

It's touch rugby baybeee...

My first time today and I absolutely loved it!! Haha...I was the only girl there so I bet the other dudes were bored outta their minds seeing as they werent allowed to tackle each other. Lol..I managed to get some good comments outta that game. But it goes to show that due to the lack of exercise, my stamina has gone from crappy to shit loads crappier...LoL...but all in all it was fun...I managed to 'tag' rey a coupla time...

I got tagged quite a bit...also, whacked quite a bit...but that's the name of the game. I totally didnt mind. it was so much fun. Ooh and one more thing.. I went in totally in the dark regarding the game. I totally didnt know the rules, or what to do, or who to mark or anything. The only thing I to pass the ball...LoL...I suppose that was all I needed to know. I managed to get the gist of things closer to the end. But that was when my stamina just upped and died...oh well..there's always next time right ? But definitely not next sunday...

Back to ping pong

Next sunday will be the opening of the Brunei National Ping Pong least I think thats what it's called. All I know is that I'm playing mixed doubles with Aaron, women's doubles with Sandy and single's open. So that's got me perfectly covered. And get this..I totally havent been training...LoL..well, still got one more hop to it ppl...=)

Fun at WnS

Before rugby, the family gathered at the WnS residence where they had allllll sorts of deserts...yum yum...part of my pre-contact sport work out consisted of watering down the car, watering the grass and pulling out pile of weeds was definitely a lot larger than wei's pile of weeds...look...proof...but then..this was only initially. I left for rugby while she was still plucking weeds...LoL

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MY pile of weeds...

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Wei's pile of weeds...

Haha...I have no idea why I'm going on bout weeds but it definitely has to stop. I need to take a shower...Laterz..

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