Saturday, August 05, 2006 a new baaaybeee....

...Sony T-30...

yup..I finally bought it. Initially thought I wanted a black one but now that I've compared it with the silver one, I decided that what I really wanted was that one. Haha. I had Matt with me to help me make those difficult decisions. LoL...I dont know why, I make simple decisions sooo difficult for myself...part and parcel of being a girl yea ?

But I love it I love it I love it!!! I just dont understand how come the battery cant come fully charged with the camera when you buy it. I mean, this goes for all electronic devices that require the use of batteries. Usually when one purchases such things, they expect to use them as soon as they acquire it right ? It's all part of the high...but noooooooo....have to charge a few hours before usage, that is, to prolong the 'life' of the said battery. LoL. Oh well, i've already waited 3 hours...another 3 to go before I can use it! =D In other words, no playing with new toy until tomorro...
Oh yea, I forgot to say this earlier..Matt, thanx for being such great company in my hunt for my toy =) and yes, ur mandarin is still really good! hehe...

Stupid jam

Do people still have money to go shopping ? I mean, it's nearly the middle of the month. If trends are still followed, people should be running out of money to blow round bout now. I mean, I think I've already spent quite a bit to be honest. But no, the roads to the pasar malam and around shopping complexes are still quite busy. Especially around 5 onwards. Are people finally learning to make their money last longer ? LoL...

Exxxxcapade...yum yum...

Took my grams there for lunch this afternoon...Guess who we ran into!!??!! Abby, Elisha and Jas...I spoke with Jas and sha but I didnt really recognised abby..and it really looks like she totally didnt recognise me.. but oh well, if I run into her again, I'll definitely say hi =D I was soo totally supposed to attend mass just now with my bro but then, the road blocks started coming up just past 5 so that made it difficults to get around, much less find a parking space. So I just decided that I'd go tomorro instead. That way I wont have to think so much bout where to meet the Rents for lunch and everything. =D

Buying that camera has put me on a high...I like this feeling. Really hyper and smiley...=D

Gonna go keep myself more busy so catch ya all laterz...ciao

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