Saturday, August 05, 2006 more work...lalala...for now..

...EAIC over...

The conference and golf tourneys and all that associated with the EAIC are all officially over...! YES!!! haha...I'm so glad it has finally ended. But now, that leaves me with nothing to do...I mean, I dont have a problem with it...but give it a week and dad will be asking me to find another I thought i'd give myself a headstart.

I spent most of the night 'fixing' my CV and writing my application letter for my proposed next place of work. It was fun but kinda mind boggling at the same time. I mean, if that is even possible. I'm glad I got it done and out of the way though.

There was one thing that seemed quite odd to me though. It was the fact that someone spotted me at the after party at the Baze the other night. I find that quite out of the norm as I went home from the dinner quite early with my sister that night. hmmmm....I'm not quite sure if its the guy who was making things up for a story, or if he was hallucinating that he saw me. It was weird coz he could actually quote me on what I said that night. Apparently I was drinking a mixture of 7up and vodka and I said "This vodka is sooo bitter!!"'s funny coz if that really were me, I wouldnt be complaining as I drink vodka quite easily. LoL....hmmm...I do remember falling asleep far before the dinner even ended. So it was a bit weird. Jeff Jeff Jeff...get ur memory cleared up yea?

Quality time

I spent quite a bit of time today talking to my lil bro. I mean, it's been a while since we've done something like this. I mean, sure, I'm usually his driver, but we dont really talk talk like this alot. We went to play ping pong again just now. I thought I was getting really really rusty but hey, i still managed to win him. LoL.

While we were having supper, he had the time of his life telling me jokes that his friends told him. A lot of them were quite good. I dont think I'll re enact all the stories coz they're his friends. Also, coz I'm getting quite tired already.

Manual labour ?

It was quite funny coz before the girls were allowed to leave the office just now, they had to clean the kitchen and toilet. Yea, we dont have hired help to clean the office for us. You should've seen the girls protest like there was not gonna be a tomorro..The two hugest protestors ended up being the ones cleaning the loo....I got a few pics but those will only come up another time. It was so funny coz they were like giggling and screaming (when they saw a cockroach) and also singing traditional songs that women in the olden days sing while doing their was quite weird I'd say.

Ooh...cockroach incident...who came to the rescue? Ibrahim!! LoL...Mr It's-not-alive..he picked the roach by its antennae, and it started squirming about...then there we have it! Super ROACHH!!! Flying thru the air with the greatest of ease until...PLOP!!! it gets flushed down the toilet bowl to a swirling death...LoL...

Ok Good nite peeepz....

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