Thursday, August 31, 2006's been a long time..

Haha I know it's been a while since my last post. I'm really sorry. Just didnt feel enthusiastic enough to blog lately. I mean, nothing much has happened anyways. All I've been doing is sleeping, eating, training, losing competitions. That's about it. Haha.

The routine sorta made a slight alteration today. I got a call from an old friend which reminded me of another old friend. I enjoyed both conversations. It's funny how some friends can be so close to you then suddenly 'drift away'...well, my drifted friend, I really really enjoyed the 3 hour conversation. Haha...lets hope we do it again soon. I haven't that much drama in a phone conversation in such a long time.

Oh yea, and thank you for self proclaiming today my birthday.

So, PSR (Pesta Sukan Remaja) starts tomorrow. Wish me luck people. Hope I do so much better compared to my performance during the National opens...that was a major flop...I think I'll be getting my uniform tomorrow...haha...cant wait to see it...haha...

Listening to capital FM, playing maple story and blogging...ahhh..this is the's funny how I got so addicted to maple story again..I managed to reach level 30 after slightly less than 2 weeks....Aaron calls me a freak. Haha...I'm really living the 'hermit' lifestyle.

Please MOE or UBD call me soon....I need something to do and be excited about....=)

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