Tuesday, August 22, 2006

4am and I cant sleep

The room be my cave and I be the hermit

This 'previous social butterfly' has decided to go on strike. She has folded her wings and temporarily put them in storage. I dont know why, I just don't feel the need to go out as often anymore. Could it be the lack of good company? The lack of places to go (duh!), the lack of drive to go out? Who knows. Maybe it'll all change when sinhow koko comes back in approximately 10 days...cant wait...

Oh yea, CJ left Brunei today. Back to KL...it only occured to me when i was picking aaron up from tuition. Saw his dad leaving the airport. It was a bit weird. Anyways, what have I been up to ? It's really sad. I've been on a series marathon. As of 5 minutes ago, I've finished watching umpteen episodes of loadsa seasons of, in total, 8 individual series. Along with that, I've gone back to playing Maple Sea...What?! there's absolutely nothing else to do.

I've got pictures from yesterday that I've been meaning to post but just never got around to doing it. Do you believe there's such a thing as 'not having the mood to post pictures'? Well, believe it or not, that's the type of mood I'm in at this moment.

For goodness sakes..it's 4am

I know, I know, any normal person would be tucked in bed dreaming bout rainbows and waterfalls and individuals from fantasies...I dunno...what ever you guys dream about. Staring at my laptop screen, I can feel my eyes getting smaller and smaller. But,the moment, I move from this position and lay in my bed, I just wont be able to sleep. I dont know why, but lately, I've seriously been having trouble falling asleep. The consequent problem, trouble waking up...I dont know why anyone bothers in this case. Haha...oh well...

Free usage of the gym?

Got a message from Fitness Zone saying that I have been initialled in for a free 3 day workout session at that gym...for one, I have no idea how on earth they got my number. But hey, it's free right ? Even still, I dont think I'll go...I've got my own free work out at menglait. Plus, it's kinda sad to be going to a gym alone. Makes you kinda question yourself regarding your popularity.


At this very moment, i'd say i'm craving a hot plate of Egg Kway Teow without any beansprouts and a peppermint cadbury ice cream. Haha. It's weird how we can suddenly come up with the I wants in the middle of the night...or the early hours of the morning...

OMG...it's 4 am and aaron's alarm just went off...LoL...haha..he must've set it to force himself to study..haha...I think I shud go wake him up for real, and hopefully get some sleep. Laterz...

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