Tuesday, August 01, 2006

chaos attacks the EAIC

..daymn kids...

It's really bad, the things that happen to interfere with well planned out conferences such as these..The Information Expo has been going on along side the EAIC at the ICC. Really bad deal that! Coz members of the security section havent really been doing their job.

We initially had the venues for the conference sealed off from outsiders, but lately, the security section have been out of commission. The reason why ? Incompetence and lazing off. The Info Expo has lots of visitor daily. Out of which the majority are school kids. We didnt really have much of a problem until today.

It was really really bad. Kids these days, not even their teachers can control them! I mean, they were mostly going round the booths that we have set up pinching stuff and causing trouble. One of the booths actually had a pen drive with a presentation on it stolen. It was a good thing they managed to get it back otherwise that would've caused a major commotion. These kids and their itchy fingers!!

Oh yea..and on their way back to their bus, the decided to take the route through the hospitality suites. There was naturally tables with food set up for the duration of the networking breaks, and what do these kids do ? They pinch the food and take it away for their own consumption. We've had complaints all morning regarding these issues. It's absolutely ridiculous!! These are our leaders of tomorrow ? I'm very scared of what's to come!!

What's left of my social life...

LoL! I feel like an old lady with no social life whatsoever. I mean, when I finish work and get home, I'm usually too tired to get anything else down. So, I sit in front of my laptop and vegetate or automatically crash and wake up the next morning! It's funny. Last night I got a call at around 9ish to hang out at the mall with ppl I havent seen in a long long time. By that time I was already preparing to go to bed. it was quite embarrassing. Albert just kept shouting in the background " Not a good enough excuse!!" LoL what to do? Even if I did decide to hang out, I wouldnt have been very good company. We all know what I'm like when I'm tired. Either really quiet or just plain groggy.

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