Monday, July 31, 2006

tookie tookie....zookie zoookie...

Too much food...too much coffee...

The coffeebean booth is located just outside the secretariat office. Good thing or bad thing? LoL...The food intake has been going on since lunch time till the time I left.I mean, for breakfast I had absolutely nothing coz I was rushed out of the house.

Then, when we got to the ICC, the pig yelled at me coz I was wearing sandals..I mean, she could've told me when we were at home that I couldnt wear sandals, but she didnt of coz. So she wasted a good 3 minutes of my life yelling at me, the half an hour later..."Chiiiiing, help me, I dont know how to draw aarows on microsoft word." Sigh...I ended up not helping her, but doing the whole thing for her. Addition to my work load.

Everyone was so stressed out in the morning. But as time progressed, everyone just cracked. Just before I left, almost everyone was in hysterics. Good thing that. Lightens the burden when people are happy.

I wanna post some pics but I didnt take any. Will grab pics of various amateurs in due time. Coz first and foremost, I dont have a camera, and I've been stuck in the office all day. Well, Bilateral 3 lah. LoL...

I've been feeling light headed and dizzy all day. I think I might have to catch some zZZzzz's really early tonight. So as not to feel the same way tomorro...Lalala...right after I watch some movie or series of coz..

What we's just not there anymore...

I dont know if it was coz I was really tired or what. I spent some time yesterday after work with CJ. Went to his house to pick him up then went to gdg..where else cud we go. We were basically just walking around aimlessly. He kept running into his friends so whenever that happened, I'd just move out of the way so that they could talk. I mean, I was quite ok with that. Was so damn tired. So I dont think I was good company yesterday. Definitely wasnt much of a conversationalist. Sorry CJ. I'm rarely like that. Only when I'm really tired.

40 day death anniversary

Ok, so I just dont know what it's called. But it's been 40 days up to yesterday since my grand dad passed away, so we had this potluck dinner at the house last night. I was just so drained and so mentally fatigued that all I did was sit on the couch and stare at the telly while everyone else was talking and watching F1. I didnt even eat much at dinner. I was walking around like a zombie.

I bet that partly had something to do with my cuzins not being there. Well, understood, she had to work.
arright then, I think I'm gonna crash. So tired. I know it's just past 6pm...but I havent been getting enuf sleep. So yea. Nitez..LoL

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