Sunday, July 23, 2006

sniff...bye vic...

Got my bluetooth working already

You guys know what that means right ? PICTURES!!! haha...but then, I figured I'd blog first before posting pics. I mean, just in case I forget what I'm meant to blog about. haha...but dont worry...the pictures will's impossible to not have pictures when the blogger is as vain as I am...LoL

Our Vicky's leaving...sniff

It's amazing how time flies so quickly eh ? I mean, it seemed like just a while ago that she wrote me a testimonial at friendster saying how she initially thought I was a difficult person to be friends with. Look at us boredom buddy, anything buddy, my confidante....and she's leaving...Singapore, look out...there's greatness approaching and it's gonna take ya by storm!!

Flora's already there apparently..haha..that I didnt know...well, till Syl told me yesterday...haha...

Spent almost the whole day with Vic...went eating, movie, eating, shopping, eating, Jp then eating once more...haha it's no wonder I'm turning into a blob...hahah..

We had so much fun going on rides at JP, although most of the really fun rides have been out of operation for a while was the company that I enjoyed mostly...:D
[S.c.G], you guys are the best...Syl...wish you were here...all of us miss you like crazy...we're not complete without you!! (*Awww*) haha...

When vanity strikes

Collage of vain moments

Qlap in darkness

Haha...not literally of course considering it was broad daylight. I was called to go to the office to finish up some stuff but when I got there, there was absolutely no was like I woke up and stepped into a huge sauna...the girls and I were having fun bitching bout one of the dudes who thinks he's so hot, so smart, so good at everything that he can just go..."I'm not doing that.."

I mean, if you're on a payroll, beneath someone, you do as you're told!!! I mean...for God's sakes...the mess that HE made was sitting in the kitchen, rotting. LA told him to take out the trash so as not to make the office difficult to work in...but nooo...he went, I'm not doing that...wait for the other guys to take out the trash on Monday...

Worst of all, his behaviour was even more girlish than us girls...every five minutes he'd be complaining..."Buring ih!!" "Panas eh"....omg...haha..I gave him a piece of my mind...told him to quit complaining and act his age...oh yea...he's about 4 years older than me...haha

We managed to endure about 2.5 hours of heat in an enclosed space then we were told to go electricity = no internet = no possiblity of doing work...simple math really.

Girls hard at work

Guys apparently hard at work as well...=P

Ok...seeing as I have to go to church tomorro morning...will ciao first...nitez..

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