Sunday, July 23, 2006

He be blingin baybeh...


It's been a while since I've sat in the church choir. It was only coz Wei was playing today and she wud've eaten me alive if I didnt 'support' her. But my predictions were slightly exceeded when a grand total of 6 people (including me) turned up for choir...hmm..this whole 'boycott' situation is really getting outta hand.

What made things worse was the fact that we had visitors amidst us. The Filipino Tattoo were attending mass. It was really cute coz they all had round bout the same hair do and the two front rows of church were filled with neatly dressed pinoys in white shirts and black pants...just like they were going to work...hee hee...Too bad it didnt occur to me to take a picture...oh well..

No more foood...please?!...take it AWAY!!!

Under normal circumstances I'd be like, FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD!!! Definitely not today...we've just been eating eating and's absolutely ridiculous not to mention a SIN (Gluttony)...haha...Lunch we had Mc D's, at dinner, somehow, Wei thought we'd go hungry so she cooked up a scrumptuos meal...too much food for my likings...yes I am one to complain...GETTING TOO FAT!!! so...uncomfortable...


It was quite funny coz while waiting for dinner, my sis decided to take off all her bling so that she could cook and make stuff without getting any gunk in her xxx carat diamonds...Any normal person would've put their stuff on a solid surface, like say, a table...but no...she decided to place all her bling on her didnt look too shabby either...

He be blingin

and he also doesnt look like it bothers him fact, it kinda looks like he's enjoying it!! =)

ping pongzzz

Damn strange lah...the ping pong twins are beginning to look so identical. Unusual seeing as one's a guy and the other's a girl...well, the girl is really dropping the excess lard whereas the guy is they're basically evening out..and in the process, becoming more identical. It's really weird..but their table tennis is damn good

Sanny and Sandy

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