Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I hate u dude!!!

Nacho Libre

You go in thinking you wanna watch something that'd make you laugh..you come out feeling about 20% dumber than you were when u went in...haha

It was ok I guess...some parts were funny, some parts were lame...there were some boring parts as well...all in all, it was way too long. Haha..

This is definitely enough to give you nightmares eh ?

I mean, imagine your guy, as huge as Jack Black, wearing half a superman outfit. Urgh...*shudders*...definitely enough to give you nightmares..

Unless you much prefer this skinny...El Skeleto...or something like that...I cant spell his name right...but anyhooz...haha...the skinny bod with the overgrown head and lips..LoL...*shudders*

High School Musical

Ok..so yea..I have been watching quite a few shows lately...this is more for the younger audience...but I cant help it if I like watching musicals..they're actually quite nice..haha...who would've thought that Zac Efron can sing?

"Daring to be different, the geeks become cool, the sports heroes become cooler and students learn to accept themselves for who they are."

The working life...

I've come back to the habit of finishing things too quickly again..the reason why I'm blogging so early in the morning is coz I've got nothing better to do...I mean...I've finished all my boss and LA aint here to give me more to do...booo...:(

Got a bit of food poisoning again..dont know where I got it from...but it's not THAT bad so I can still stay at the office..I mean..it's not like I've got a choice anyways..I dont have a car to go home in, so bear with it yea ? I mean, at least the office has a toilet..LoL...

Poor L.O's..haha the girls had to stay till 9 last night while the guys, carried on working till close to 11...that's what we would call dedication...! Guys and Girls of
GIAB office...I salute you! =) Dont worry, it'll all pay off soon enuf...

But then again, I cant help it if I have something totally against one of the dudes, he just pisses me off so bad...I hate everything about him...the so called 'style', the crappy attitude, the way he treats all other girls....sometimes I think does it coz he's walking the fine line between being straight and gay...I mean, he prolly does it coz he knows he's unwanted by the female community and he's too butt ugly to be gay...haha...well that's just me voicing my opinions again I guess...oh well..I better go find something to do so I can look like I'm doing something profitable...LoL..


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