Tuesday, July 25, 2006

reminiscing months gone by..

I miss A2SZ

Amy, Za'iem, Shan...miss you guys and all the fun we had during the tri extreme challenge..I just got some pictures taken of us during the event..so I'm posting what I've got just for you guys..tag me when you visit yea? this what I've got so far...still waiting for the pics from HSBC...I really miss the whole challenge..still think we could've come in first..but I'm really grateful for everything we've been through and proud of you guys for being able to stick together and working excellently together as a team..=D

hmm...which way to go ? Let's split up!! =D

Damn puzzle...Xtreme Struggle...

Loadsa teams struggling...:D

What?! You left your IC at home...AGAIN?!!!

YAY!! Into the 3rd stage!!!

Smile for the birdy...LoL


Shan catching like his life depends on it!!

Haha..1000000=T to the PS..

Divide and conquer

The white bit was a B****!!


2nd place aint all that bad!!

Old frenz and a coupla new ones...=D

The pictures were courtesy of Rano. Thanx alot dude! =)

Poor Mercy

My mum took my car this morning and passed me the keys just before lunch. Seeing as I work in Qlap, didnt quite need it to commute to a restaurant..I mean, that's what the guys are for right ? haha...

So, it was almost 5, decided that since I finished all my work I could go home. How wrong was I?! Went downstairs to where my car was parked...just my luck, it didnt wanna start. It just kept making the same noise it did when I managed to get water stuck in the engine during the last major rain event. So I got stranded at qlap till my mum was ready to come get me.

Initially I thought it was the battery..being me, I couldnt wait for my dad to get back from KB to come with me to jump start my car. So just now, I went back to where my car was parked and decided to try start it again..Lo and behold, it started without a glitch. You guys shud've seen the puzzled look on my face...LoL...it was a good thing that the guys were still at work and were coming down to go for dinner..I grabbed Eikz and got him to escort me home. Haha it was funny....

Why does it take so much to say yes to me?

It feels like I literally have to pull teeth to get what I want. Why put me through university forcing me to do something I dont wanna do. They dont get it! I dont want to do sciences..I've already got my eyes set on a goal! Why does he have to make it so hard for everyone. UBD doesnt offer journalism. It doesnt offer ANYTHING I want to do. It's so annoying. Being forced to go somewhere just coz it's free. What's the point of going if I've got absolutely no interest at all? It'd probably end up being just like high school again when I was forced into learning IRK. What was the result ? I failed on purpose, just to prove a point. I know it seems stupid but I always feel that I need to go thru extremes to express myself.

They should know me by now. I mean, I've already made it so much easier by saying that I dont need to go to Australia to study. I mean, I've settled for KL...and what does he say? Try again for UBD...it feels like I'm stuck in a crapped up bargaining war that I can never win...sheesh....why does he always have to take the long way round. If he doesnt wanna send me, then say it! Be more direct and stop wasting my time, getting my hopes up. Letting me think that there's a possibility where there really is none. I hate this feeling of false hope. Arrrgh....I want out..

Chinese Acrobatic Troupe

Looking on the brighter side of things, looks like I'll be going to watch the Chinese Acrobatic Troupe in action on Thursday nite at CHMS...yay!! I cant wait...it looks like it's gonna be really spectacular. I mean, I know I cant do the stuff they can, but hey, it doesnt hurt to fantasize right ? I mean, sit back and be entertained..that should be my life's motto...LoL...

People coming and going

All of a sudden I miss my friends and kokoz who have been away studying. I miss sin how koko...come back to Brunei lah..I know you're having your holz at the moment. xx is back but it seems like he's avoiding me so it's kinda crap. Vic..I miss you, come back...haha..no lah..stay in singapore...I know u're loving it there...haha...Pei Yee, Waz, Aimi and all ex STPRI girls on scholarship...miss you babes...sigh...

Speaking of kokoz...I saw K.T koko just now at lunch...damn...he looks better, now that he's cut his hair..LoL...like a million bucks ko!

I'll be signing out I've had enuf of everything....laterz..

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