Friday, July 28, 2006


...You dont really have a choice when it comes to who you fall for...

Yes, as cliche as it sounds, it's true. You cant control your feelings, you cant just ignore them either..its a b**** is what it is.

Everytime I think I see a light from my phone through the corner of my eye, I think it's you. I look at it and all I find is disappointment. Every message I receive, I hope you'd reconsider your choice on the path of life, but to no avail. I wish so hard that it'd go my way, but only time will tell.

...future job prospects...

I was just pondering on what I'd do after the congress is over. I mean, the other L.O's are starting school again so I'd be all alone in the unemployed and unentertained category. I was thinking of finding work elsewhere.

Before I even started work at GIAB/Asia Inc I was kind of considering working at HSBC. I think I might actually pursue that. I mean, I've got nothing better to do anyway right ? Might as well earn some loot and work experience. After all, I do have 3 months to spare.

..getting worn down...

They were right. The closer to the date of the event, the more stressful things get. Our office is becoming more and more of a zoo as the hours pass...people screaming for attention, shouting in frustration, the puzzled looks, the fatigued walks, the endless complaints followed by reassurances. It's all part of the job description right ? I'd say, as usual, time is our foe and defeat it we must. We will succeed!

Got work tomorro...good night everyone.

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