Thursday, July 27, 2006

..calm before the storm...

Wushu baybee

Just got back from CHMS...3 and a half loong hours of planting my bum on that wooden bench. Worth it ? Not too sure...The only thing I liked about the whole performance were the wushu stunts. I took a lot of pictures but they all turned out blurry. Thats coz they were moving quite fast and my fone camera doesnt have that anti shake function. So yea...not so canggih yet. LoL...

I really regretted going anyways...coz it was quite boring and I had to spend that particular amount of time in the same place as the Pig that carries the definition of pure immaturity...

I mean, she's older than me by six years but she could very well be six years younger judging by the way she acts. Thinking about how angry she makes me, makes me shake....I just feel like slapping her..but in real life, I know I wouldnt..I wouldnt wanna infect myself by touching her. Immaturity rubs off. Trying to be the better one. Stooping to her level would be going far too low already.

Nothing cheers me up better than the sight of money

Yes I'll admit it...there are only two 'things' that can motivate me. One is money, and the other is...well, I'll choose not to disclose that piece of info. Will post some pics tomorro when my internet speed improves...coz at the moment, it's really crap.

Gonna go drown myself in my sorrows now...laterz..

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