Thursday, July 27, 2006

...even the best fall down sometimes...

Snowballing down

Why is it that when something goes wrong, it causes a snowballin effect? It's soo bad. I mean, today it started off with me totally forgetting bout the meetings that were to take place in the office. haha..didnt quite dress appropriately. Then all of a sudden I get an msn message going..."Let me ask you a question. would you rather dad fund your education fully or they be able to buy a house so they have somewhere to stay in their old age?"

Just imaging being stuck with that type of decision on your shoulders. I mean for goodness sakes, I cant do anything bout that sorta thing now. Render me powerless. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that ? Ok buy your house then, I dont need to study..after all, it's only my future right. It's not important.

Just coz you're brilliant doesnt mean everyone else is as well. It's not as if they didnt pay for at least part of YOUR education as well. What sets you apart? I mean, I'm talking about KL...not UK like you. Gawd....

Parking fine..LoL

Moving further into the light, this morning was quite funny. I was telling LA that I wanted to go home to change my clothes coz I felt quite uncomfortable. My colleagues managed to talk me out of it.

All of a sudden, Audrey burst in thru the office doors shouting, "L.O's whoever's parked at the side of the road, move your cars NOW!! The police are there writing summons..!" You guys should've been here to see the mad rush down the was so funny. There were 4 of them who parked along the side coz there were no more spaces, but only three were fined. One of my colleagues got away in time.

Lucky for them, when they went to the police office, they were just given a warning. That was quite a good thing already, seeing as 2 out of the 3 who were summoned were holding provisional licenses. Nasib eh...LoL..

Mashed potatoes

Manjaro mashed potatoes are really good..had lunch with Josh just now and all we had was mashed potatoes mashed potatoes and mashed potatoes...weird craving I know...but it was yummy. We havent hung out like that in a long time. So we managed to talk quite a bit and all that...the usual stuff.

Chinese Acrobatic what?

I really dont wanna go to the Chinese Acrobatic thing tonight. I mean, it's at CHMS and it's gonna be so crowded and crammed like sardines can. Cant I just stay at home ? I'd be so much happier at home. Plus it means that I wouldnt have to get stuck in the bloody bandar jam at night and I wouldnt have to spend time with my sisters. I just wanna get away from them. The eldest sis is just plain making my life hell. What happened to the person I could once talk to...where did she go ? All that's taken her place is a know-it-all, bossy boobs...grrr....all I have left are my friends and myself.

Take me away...

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