Sunday, September 10, 2006


Today has been a really weird day. I mean, it started off with me waking up really abruptly with only the thoughts of 'Scholarship interview' in my head. It just so happened that today was the day that my brain chose to not be able to formulate words in a foreign language properly. Perfect right ? The interview went alright I guess..I mean, it could've gone better but then, for everything there's always room for improvement right ? So better just be satisfied with what i've accomplished. I've gotten this's to hoping and praying I go a lot further. I really want this. *fingers crossed*

Got my UNCONDITIONAL OFFER from Melbourne U already...happy happy, everything depends on the scholarship, no Melbourne U...that's just how it is. I spent most of the afternoon with Tina and night with Sin How's this for a great dinner ? Fried mushrooms and Ice Cream. Brilliant right ?

Was actually meant to go to this impromptu party at ching's place but then I was 'smart' enuf to decide to take my car home first then get a ride to her place with her. But then...the time I brought the car home, dad and mum chun chun came I had no choice but to stay home...Sorry Ching...haha..really dumb plan lerr...

One thing I dont get. How is it that everytime I target someone socially, I always get let down. I mean...the person either just doesnt feel the same way, or see's me as a's quite depressing when it comes down to this. LoL...I really hope I leave...

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