Thursday, July 20, 2006

hell's now a place on earth

Abandon Ship!!

It seems that I've now returned to my writing fetish. It's a good thing...or so it seems. I've abandoned MSN space coz well, you can only do things up to a point. Whereas here, the limits are far in sight. At the moment I cant post pictures coz my laptop is still at the shop and I've been forced to use my old desktop..oh well, beggars cant be choosers.

It's not a's 7 days

The Project's end is in clear view. I know it hasn't started yet but hey..anticipation of the end is positive thinking on my part. Dont ask me how..that's just how I feel. Had the briefing this morning where I had to go to the venue in the same car as Ms Y. That was hell if I've ever experienced it wasn't so bad. I still prefer keeping my distance and not communicating with her. It's what works for me...:)

All L.O's came under the same roof today and were allocated specific 'jobs'. My Job is to become LA's personal assistant aka slave. Haha...shouldnt be too bad seeing as she's quite laid back..haha..

But the days and moments of sheer heaven (induced by caffeine) have yet to grace us with its presence. The future holds days of endless pre congress kit packing, phone calls, bouncing emails, trips to the bank, directing and loads more. Indeed, we'll have a blast in the process. Haha.

It's a funny thing how ppl in Brunei tend to bump into each other wherever they go. I mean, it turns out, our official photographer is the same one from TriX. Good eh? He tapped me on the shoulder and we had a lil 'remember me?' session. It was fun. Apparently I WILL be getting my pics from the TriX...YAY!!! cant wait cant wait!!!

teambuilding is fun!!!

It seems a certain well known organization in Brunei is undergoing team building sessions. It really does sound like a lot of fun. But I wonder, how playing a bunch of games in a particular time period helps in promoting team work within the work place. Sure, it strengthens the bond between colleagues but that doesnt necessarily mean that given a life or death situation, one colleague would risk his/her life for another. Right ? hmm...also, given that since this only happens once in a blue moon, how would it prove to be effective? double hmmm....haha

Monash or UBD ?

Monash by a leap!! Was just researching malaysian universities that I wouldnt mind attend. I like Monash. New campus will be up and running by next year...wheee...I really hope I get to leave Brunei. *fingers crossed*....

Ok...looks like my time's run out...gotta go and play driver. Hafta pick up the brother...Laterz y'all...oh the way...I still want my Mr M...:D

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