Friday, March 14, 2008

Uni of Melb is awesome..

I really love my uni and I'm glad I got's so much fun. Played tt today in 40 degree heat...felt quite sluggish at first but then it all got tend to sorta disregard the heat once you get going...I sparred a bit with Yu Shan and played matches against Danial, Richard and this new German dude, Nico...

Nico was really good...he plays with long pimples and has the whole chopping thing going on. He was the only one I really lost to today...I lost like what...6-11...I was trying to get used to the pimples the whole time..maybe I'll get him next time...hope he comes again...=)

Went to Kim's friend's place on the 32nd floor of the verve just now..Pat and Sharlene's place...we went over to get his ipod but we ended up staying for a while. They had 2 dogs there...quite pomeranian (Coco) and one jack russell terrier (Mikey)...I liked the pomeranian better though...The JRT was Kim's dog...

Anyhooz...this was only meant to be a short post...gonna take a nice cold shower...

Oh yea...I got my hairwax from Joyce already!!! all I need to do is buy more hairspray...maybe when I go get my hair cut next time..

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