Sunday, February 17, 2008

it all started with a roti telur...

The last 2 days have been plenty of good fun. I spent all day yesterday at my sister's place. She had her open house. It was really eventful. There was heaps and heaps of food...we even had a roti man and a teh tarik man come over to provide fresh roti telur, roti kosong, roti john, roti cheese and roti banana...I only heard of the last 2 yesterday. Alongside that, there was laksa which was catered by her friend's mum and buffet-style food catered by Andaman. Safe to say...there was a LOT of food...haha

It was only supposed to be a normal open house. Nothing huge was planned...just the usual people visit, they eat...people talk...get angpow and leave...but then, the houses behind were having a lion dance performance and my mum and sister decided to call them over to perform for us as they walked over to the house behind to 'book' a performance...lo and behold, it was my mum's cousin's troup, from the Hokkien association. So yea, we got our lion dance. Sophie was very good..she didnt cry at all during the whole thing. She was mesmerized.

These performers are crazy I tell you. There were 2 lions and they requested 2 bottles of Chivas and half a case of beer. We only gave them one bottles and 12 cans out of which 4 were smuggled out. They did their performance with the cabbage, carrots, oranges, celery, etc and turned it into a really creative piece of art and to top it all off...the two lions with the help of two other people polished off the full bottle of chivas, the 8 cans of beer AND a full bottle of was amazing. But it took them something like 20 mins to do all was the longest lion dance I've ever seen...haha...

After all that alcohol, they still managed to do their jumping tricks, albeit not as stable as it would've been sober. was good entertainment though. Yesterday was a good day for gambling as well..I won $160 in one hand of bandat...haha..burn, burn, burn, then 5 cards was AMAZING..

Anyhooz, pictures should be up on my facebook soon...I'd like to put them up here, but it takes FOREVER to till I manage to get on a good connection or be bothered to resize my pics, they'll be on my facebook....for now, it's pokertime!

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