Having someone stay in your room overnight without giving any notice. I've got my aunt sleeping over and she's slowly and noisily killing me. It's soooooo annoying...I'm glad she's got her own mode of entertainment, but I absolutely hate the fact that she keeps talking about her incredibly aged 'boyfriend' and they fact that she 'sayang' him so much. She keeps reading out all her emails as if I'm interested. And she keeps insisting that she forwards every single piece of junkmail to me. God...I really hope its just for tonight...dont knw how much of this I'd be able to handle.
Everyone says it's a good thing that she finally found someone to base all her attention on. Everyone's enjoying this except me. I just happen to have a spare bed in my room. Screw that.
Anyways, I dont think I have much else to say. Oh wait, I do have pictures to post though..these are the pictures from last night. We took pictures at NBT...lame right ? haha..not even Xmas anymore...
This was Tina saying...this car is mine.
Haha...this was funny...well, quite stupid lah
do-re-mi-fa...haha...in order of height please..the shortest one is behind the camera...haha
Us and our gingerbread house..

Know what else was quite funny, Tina had to deposit some money for her brother at the SCB atm machine. That time, we all decided to tag along in the car. So she drove to the Gadong branch of SCB then parked her car quite close to the ATM machine. She got out of the car to do her stuff. Then we were like kinda bored so we started getting funny ideas...but thats all they were till I got into the driver's seat of the car. I drove the car around the building and into a space that was within the line of sight from outside the atm machine but still quite far away from where she parked initially.
Her reaction was PRICELESS! I swear....money cant buy. Haha...Coz, while we were in the new space, her previous space was taken by an X trail. When she was done depositing money, you could see her confusion. It was hilarious...we were all in absolute laughter watching her as she wondered how come her car grew into an X trail and where her actual car disappeared to...haha...when she finally got to the car, she was like.."Must be Steph...Steph's idea"...Lolx...
Absolutely priceless!!! Had so much fun!
Her reaction was PRICELESS! I swear....money cant buy. Haha...Coz, while we were in the new space, her previous space was taken by an X trail. When she was done depositing money, you could see her confusion. It was hilarious...we were all in absolute laughter watching her as she wondered how come her car grew into an X trail and where her actual car disappeared to...haha...when she finally got to the car, she was like.."Must be Steph...Steph's idea"...Lolx...
Absolutely priceless!!! Had so much fun!
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