Sunday, December 10, 2006

emo roller ride

Today has definitely been another one of those days of emotional rollercoaster rides. I admit, I did have quite a lot of fun. But it was quite weird as well. Think about it. What are the odds of you running into ALL your ex bf's from the past 2 years? Pretty small right ? Well, today I ran into all of my ex' was...I dunno...sigh...

There were four in total that I saw but only one I realised I still have feelings for. I kept telling myself not to be stupid. I mean, I dont have long why should I put myself in that sort of position right? Save myself the heartbreak. Just stay single. =)

Anyhooz...seeing as I'm not really into the blogging mood, I'll just post pictures like I usually do. Lemme just say that I met up with a lot of old friends accident...haha...but nevertheless, it was great seeing u guys again...

What page again?

Bibi and Shidah

Tina's nails...haha..her 'Santa Claus'

Vicky's Nails...everyone's in the Xmassy mood

Aliiyah and I

All of us at Excapade just now...Bibi was taking the picture

Now, why is Bibi hiding behind me ?

Shidah, Me and Tina

Nisah and I

Me and Vicky

4+1 = ?

Shidah and Tina

Ok...that should be all for now..I know I have more pictures to post but then, I feel like sleeping another time lah...oh more thing...thanx vicky for the camera case...I really love it! =)

Night night everyone

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